Shop Policies

Presales/Production Time

-Presales can take 4-9 months for production turnaround, so please only purchase these pins if you are okay with the wait time. Most smaller pins generally take 1-2 months. 

-Presales are first-come, so if it sells out, there won't be more spots available until the pin is in-hand.

-If for whatever reason there is a problem during production that results in a longer wait time, I will update everyone via Ashes Fantasy Pins Instagram page.

-Most of the presales are done when the pin is either being quality checked by the manufacturer or are in hand/on their way to me.


Pin Quality

-All pins are handmade, so minor imperfections such as polishing marks, or light scratching when tilted is common.

A-grade/Standard: Best quality available from the batch. May include minor imperfections like polishing marks or slight variation of effects, but otherwise no flaws that take away from the product.

B-grade: Usually contains a couple of small visible flaws such as pin pricks, scratches, slightly underfilled enamel, etc. 

-Backs of pins are not included in pin quality. Unless the posts are wobbly or missing, they are not graded. 



If your A grade pin arrives very flawed for some reason, then I can offer a replacement, but that does not include minor imperfections that come along with handmade products.

Flaws with grounds for replacement include:

  • Missing/Incorrect enamel
  • Missing posts or broken top pins
  • Incomplete/missing print
  • Noticeable enamel dips

If you fail to contact me within a week of receiving a flawed pin for a replacement, then I may be unable to fulfill your request.

If the pin has sold out and replacements are not available, I will offer a full refund in receipt of pin back to me.

Refunds and replacements are handled on a case by case basis. Presales are generally non-refundable unless there are major issues and/or delays that come up with a pin, then I will contact you and we will discuss options.


Order Questions/Contact

-If you have any order issues or questions, feel free to email me at

-Always feel free to email me, or send me a DM on Instagram, and I will try to get back to you as soon as I'm able to.


Tracking and Delivery

-If your tracking says that your package has been delivered and the address is correct, please reach out to your local Post Office first. Sometimes USPS marks a package as delivered and then it shows up 1-2 days later. 

-If the address is an incorrect error on my end, I will replace or refund depending on pin availability. 

-Please allow a little time for your package to be delivered. USPS has been a little slow about scanning packages while on their way to you. Please feel free to contact me so we can figure it out.